Contact Info
- 23 Celina Ayom Cres, Jabi 900108, Abuja
- +234.94615555
- Email:
- 8:00am – 5:30pm Mon – Thus, 8:00am – 2:00pm Friday
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting a broad range of global health interventions, education and economic initiatives in Nigeria. AHNi is an allied organization to Family Health International (FHI 360) with co-existing and mutually supportive interest in advancing the collective goals of the people and communities served. AHNi currently has its headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.
To strengthen our operations and interventions in the country, we are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
CONTRACTS & GRANTS OFFICER: Will work with the Senior Contracts and Grants Officer, Finance and Procurement units, to provide support in the administration and management of awards and sub-awards to include contracts, grants and cooperative agreements, monitor workflows and help develop and implement systems to provide sound management control over AHNi’s compliance with award terms and conditions and AHNi policies. S/He will support the review of sub-agreement and subcontracting implementation activities and contractual arrangements to ensure they meet with donor and organizational regulations, review monthly sub-recipients’ financial reports and advance requests of implementing agencies, provide support in the preparation of grant agreements and modifications for AHNI sub-recipients in line with award terms and AHNI’s policies and procedures and contracting requirements. S/he will implement procedures to ensure compliance with award terms and AHNi policy and provide support to C&G and other AHNi staff to ensure that C&G tools align with program needs. S/He will also support the preparation and review of Procurement Contract and Service Level Agreement for vendors in line with AHNi contracting requirements, develop templates, provide guidance and identify training needs to ensure AHNi C&G functions are consistently applied across the program.
Minimum Recruitment Standard:
Method of application: Interested and Qualified candidates should forward a suitability statement (application) and resume (CV) as a single MS Word document to: AHNi-F&
Vacancy closes: Wednesday February 21, 2024
Only applications sent electronically (i.e., by e-mail) with the job title and location clearly indicated as the subject of the mail will be considered and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
AHNi is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Disclaimer: AHNi does not charge Candidates a fee for a test or interview
Job Category | Fixed Term |
Grant to Implement HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Activities for Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Anambra State of Nigeria
NOTICE: Bidder’s Questions
• AHNi will accept requests for clarification submitted by email at the following address:
• Questions must be received by 5:00 pm West African Time (WAT) on Monday, February 12, 2024.
• Responses to questions will be shared by February 15, 2024
The Global Fund Nigeria TB/HIV Reach Impact project (N-THRIP) is a 3-year grant funded by the Global Fund with IHVN being the Principal Recipient and AHNI implementing end-to-end services in Anambra State. The GF N-THRIP is designed to ensure a coordinated and intensive effort to scale up the prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV and TB in both general and key populations in Anambra state.
AHNI’s focus will be on facility and community-based approaches to reach epidemic control, and in addition, ensure improvement in the coverage of pregnant women on ART as well as target KP and AGYW programs. The Project intends to work with local, trusted, and competent community-based organizations (CBOs) to contribute to the scale-up of differentiated HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment services for sex workers.
This announcement is a call for expressions of interest (EOI) for Nigerian KP-Led Community based organizations (CBOs) to join the N-THRIP project in providing tailored HIV prevention services and programming for FSW for up to a 31-month period beginning April 2024. Through this competitive process, AHNI intends to select and provide funding and technical assistance to Organizations which meets the required qualifications.
Goal and Objectives
The objectives of engaging the Community based Organizations are:
Community Systems strengthening and Monitoring.
Anticipated Period of Performance
The anticipated period of performance for NTHRIP grant is from April 1, 2024, to October 31, 2026.
IV. Eligibility Criteria & Selection
To respond to this EOI, an FSW organization must meet all the following minimum eligibility criteria:
Any organization that does not meet these minimum eligibility criteria will not be considered.
Applications will undergo a preliminary review for completeness and responsiveness. Incomplete applications, applications judged to be unresponsive to the EOI, and applications submitted after the due date and time will be considered ineligible and will NOT be considered for an award.
Note: Interested FSW NGOs may express their interest as a single NGO or as a “consortium.” Consortiums should select partners to complement the organizational strengths in providing a comprehensive cascade of HIV services to FSW in Anambra. Consortiums are when NGOs and/or community-based organizations (CBOs) team up with other organizations based on their areas of collective strength. If other NGOs are being brought into the consortium, then the strengths of each consortium member need to be detailed in the application. The lead for the consortium should be the lead applicant and as such will assume the overall financial and technical responsibility for any funds received as well as all risk for the funds that are sub-granted to other NGOs in the consortium.
V. Application Instructions
Applications should be no longer than 7 pages, excluding the budget and appendices, and include the following information:
A. Organizational Background (2 pages maximum)
The applicant should briefly detail the following information in the organizational background section. This information can be presented in a table format if needed.
If applying as a consortium, this information should be provided for the lead applicant/lead consortium member (clearly indicated) as well as each additional member organization in the consortium.
Technical Proposal (5 pages maximum)
Applicants should detail the following in the technical proposal:
In this section applicants should describe in further detail the specific activities which they will conduct and the proposed approaches to ensure their success for the period of April 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026. Please take note of the following when developing this section:
Applicants should include the following in this section:
Applicants should include the following in this section:
Applicants should prepare and submit a proposed budget in accordance with their proposed interventions for the period of April 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026.
Annexes (no page limit)
The following annexes should be submitted with the application:
1. CVs for senior staff who will work on the project.
2. Certificate of Registration or Incorporation Papers
3. Audited Financial Statements, if available (if no recent audit has been conducted, a revenue and expense statement and balance sheet for previous financial year must be attached)
VII. Application Submission Process and Timeline
Questions on this Call for EOIs may be submitted to by 5 pm West African Time (WAT) by February 12, 2024. AHNI will respond by January February 15, 2024.
Completed application packages are due to AHNi by 5:00 pm WAT on February 21 , 2024. Applications must be submitted by email to to be considered. Microsoft Word, Excel (for the budget) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files are all acceptable. Please do not include attachments over 15 MB.
In the subject line of the email, please indicate AHNi EOI – [insert name of your organization or consortium]”. Only one application may be submitted per organization or consortium.
Following the EOI review process AHNi may contact applicants with questions to clarify aspects of their applications.
This call for EOI represents only a definition of requirements. It is merely an invitation for submission of applications and does not legally obligate AHNi to accept any of the submitted applications in whole or in part, nor is AHNi obligated to select the lowest priced application. AHNi has no contractual obligations with any applicants based upon issuance of this call for EOI. It is not an offer to contract. Only the execution of a written award shall obligate AHNi, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in such award.
AHNi reserves the right to seek clarifications, enter discussions or negotiations, or to make award on initial submissions without discussions or negotiations of any kind. AHNi reserves the right to exclude any applicant from further consideration at any time, including after discussions or negotiations have been entered.
Applicants must provide full, accurate and complete information as required by this call for EOI. At any time that AHNi determines that an applicant has provided false statements in the EOI, AHNi may reject the EOI without further consideration. The language version of this call for EOI and any resulting award shall govern, and all notices pursuant to the provisions of this call for EOI and any resulting award shall be in English.
• All call for EOI responses become the property of AHNi, AHNi reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any offer based on applicant failure to follow solicitation instructions
• AHNi reserves the right to waive any deviations by applicants from the requirements of this call for EOI that in AHNi opinion are considered not to be material defects requiring rejection or disqualification; or where such a waiver will promote increased competition
• Extend the time for submission of all call for EOI responses after notification to all applicants
• Terminate or modify the call for EOI process at any time and re-issue the call for EOI
• AHNi reserves the right to issue an award based on the initial evaluation of offers without discussion
• Award only part of the activities in the call for EOI or issue multiple awards based on call for EOI activities.
• At the conclusion of the evaluation process, any selected organization will be required to complete a Financial Pre-Award Assessment in order for AHNi to ascertain that the organization has the capacity to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of the proposed grant. As part of the Pre-Award Assessment process the firm will also be requested to submit their incorporated papers, certificate of registration and/or Tax ID number (TIN), audit reports and/or financial statements. Applicants may be asked to submit additional documentation to illustrate that the organization has the financial capacity to implement the grant. Site visits may be conducted by AHNi staff to evaluate the organization in these areas.
(a) The applicant certifies that--
1) The prices in this EOI have been arrived at independently, without, for the purpose of restricting competition, any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other applicant, including but not limited to subsidiaries or other entities in which applicant has any ownership or other interests, or any competitor relating to (i) those prices, (ii) the intention to submit an offer, or (iii) the methods or factors used to calculate the prices offered; 2) The prices in this application have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by the applicant, directly or indirectly, to any other applicant, including but not limited to subsidiaries or other entities in which applicant has any ownership or other interests, or any competitor before bid opening (in the case of a sealed bid solicitation) or contract award (in the case of a negotiated or competitive call for EOI) unless otherwise required by law; and
3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the applicant to induce any other concern or individual to submit or not to apply for the purpose of restricting competition or influencing the competitive environment.
(b) Each signature on the application (if any) is a certification by the signatory that the signatory--
1) Is the person in the applicant's organization responsible for determining the prices being offered in this application, and that the signatory has not participated and will not participate in any action contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above; or
2) Has been authorized, in writing, to act as agent for the principals of the applicant in certifying that those principals have not participated and will not participate in any action contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above.
3) As an authorized agent, does certify that the principals of the applicant have not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above.
4) As an agent, has not personally participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above.
(c) Applicant understands and agrees that:
1) violation of this certification will result in immediate disqualification from this call for EOI without recourse and may result in disqualification from future solicitations; and
2) discovery of any violation after award to the applicant will result in the termination of the award for default.
Applicants may withdraw EOIs by written notice via email received at any time before award. EOIs may be withdrawn in person by an applicant or his/her authorized representative if the representative’s identity is made known and the representative signs a receipt for the proposal before award.
Job Category | EOI |
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting a broad range of global health interventions, education and economic initiatives in Nigeria. AHNi is an allied organization to Family Health International (FHI 360) with co-existing and mutually supportive interest in advancing the collective goals of the people and communities served. AHNi currently has its headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.
To strengthen our operations and interventions in the country, we are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-M&E: will be engaged to support planning, review and implementation of core M&E activities with the view of ensuring highest data quality for evidence-based decision making and program improvement across ACE supported facilities. S/He will support coordination and oversight functions on strengthening health information systems through strategic information processes and innovations at the state level and across AHNi supported facilities and in line with PEPFAR and USAID guidelines. Provide support to sites in the state, including interacting with site Program Managers, M&E focal points, M&E officers of SACA/SASCP, other Implementing Agencies and local research groups on needs and ensuring that these parties understand and can support these requirements. Also, s/he will work with program and technical staff to support the correct implementation and use of monitoring and evaluation tools, and adherence to complete, correct and timely reporting, ensuring that the quality of program/project activities adheres to SOPs by supporting the development and implementation of appropriate mechanisms to ensure quality.
Minimum Recruitment Standard:
Method of application: Interested and Qualified candidates should forward a suitability statement (application) and resume (CV) as a single MS Word document to: AHNi-M&
Vacancy closes: Friday February 02, 2024
Only applications sent electronically (i.e., by e-mail) with the job title and location clearly indicated as the subject of the mail will be considered and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
AHNi is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Disclaimer: AHNi does not charge Candidates a fee for a test or interview
Job Category | Fixed Term |
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting a broad range of global health interventions, education and economic initiatives in Nigeria. AHNi is an allied organization to Family Health International (FHI 360) with co-existing and mutually supportive interest in advancing the collective goals of the people and communities served. AHNi currently has its headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.
To strengthen our operations and interventions in the country, we are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
TECHNICAL OFFICER – COMPREHENSIVE HIV/TB PROGRAM: The Technical Officer-CHTB will provide technical support at the state level to implement high quality care, treatment and support activities with primary focus on technical areas of comprehensive TB and HIV/AIDS programs including laboratory, pharmacy, logistics, prevention, care, treatment, TB, RMNCH, mitigation, monitoring and evaluation. S/He will also provide support with technical leadership and engage with stakeholders and as approved, represent the organization at stakeholder events.
Minimum Recruitment Standard:
Method of application: Interested and Qualified candidates should forward a suitability statement (application) and resume (CV) as a single MS Word document to:
Vacancy closes: Friday February 02, 2024
Only applications sent electronically (i.e., by e-mail) with the job title and location clearly indicated as the subject of the mail will be considered and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
AHNi is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Disclaimer: AHNi does not charge Candidates a fee for a test or interview
Job Category | Fixed Term |
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting a broad range of global health interventions, education and economic initiatives in Nigeria. AHNi is an allied organization to Family Health International (FHI 360) with co-existing and mutually supportive interest in advancing the collective goals of the people and communities served. AHNi currently has its headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.
To strengthen our operations and interventions in the country, we are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
SENIOR TECHNICAL ADVISOR-MONITORING & EVALUATION: The STA-M&E is responsible for the design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation for the AHNi GC7 project. S/he will work with other senior staff at the HQ office to provide oversight role over sub-recipients to ensure that monitoring and evaluation activities are appropriate and meet the donor and project’s M&E needs and requirements.
Duties and responsibilities:
Knowledge, Skills & Attributes:
Minimum Recruitment Standard:
Method of application: Interested and Qualified candidates should forward a suitability statement (application) and resume (CV) as a single MS Word document to: AHNi-M&
Vacancy closes: Friday February 02, 2024
Only applications sent electronically (i.e., by e-mail) with the job title and location clearly indicated as the subject of the mail will be considered and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
AHNi is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Disclaimer: AHNi does not charge Candidates a fee for a test or interview
Job Category | Fixed Term |
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting a broad range of global health interventions, education and economic initiatives in Nigeria. AHNi is an allied organization to Family Health International (FHI 360) with co-existing and mutually supportive interest in advancing the collective goals of the people and communities served. AHNi currently has its headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.
To strengthen our operations and interventions in the country, we are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
TECHNICAL OFFICER – COMPREHENSIVE HIV/TB PROGRAM: The Technical Officer-CHTB will provide technical support at the state level to implement high quality care, treatment and support activities with primary focus on technical areas of comprehensive TB and HIV/AIDS programs including laboratory, pharmacy, logistics, prevention, care, treatment, TB, RMNCH, mitigation, monitoring and evaluation. S/He will also provide support with technical leadership and engage with stakeholders and as approved, represent the organization at stakeholder events.
Minimum Recruitment Standard:
Method of application: Interested and Qualified candidates should forward a suitability statement (application) and resume (CV) as a single MS Word document to:
Vacancy closes: Wednesday January 31, 2024
Only applications sent electronically (i.e., by e-mail) with the job title and location clearly indicated as the subject of the mail will be considered and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
AHNi is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Disclaimer: AHNi does not charge Candidates a fee for a test or interview
Job Category | Fixed Term |
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting a broad range of global health interventions, education and economic initiatives in Nigeria. AHNi is an allied organization to Family Health International (FHI 360) with co-existing and mutually supportive interest in advancing the collective goals of the people and communities served. AHNi currently has its headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.
To strengthen our operations and interventions in the country, we are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-M&E: will be engaged to support planning, review and implementation of core M&E activities with the view of ensuring highest data quality for evidence-based decision making and program improvement across ACE supported facilities. S/He will support coordination and oversight functions on strengthening health information systems through strategic information processes and innovations at the state level and across AHNi supported facilities and in line with PEPFAR and USAID guidelines. Provide support to sites in the state, including interacting with site Program Managers, M&E focal points, M&E officers of SACA/SASCP, other Implementing Agencies and local research groups on needs and ensuring that these parties understand and can support these requirements. Also, s/he will work with program and technical staff to support the correct implementation and use of monitoring and evaluation tools, and adherence to complete, correct and timely reporting, ensuring that the quality of program/project activities adheres to SOPs by supporting the development and implementation of appropriate mechanisms to ensure quality.
Minimum Recruitment Standard:
Method of application: Interested and Qualified candidates should forward a suitability statement (application) and resume (CV) as a single MS Word document to: AHNi-M&
Vacancy closes: Wednesday January 31, 2024
Only applications sent electronically (i.e., by e-mail) with the job title and location clearly indicated as the subject of the mail will be considered and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
AHNi is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Disclaimer: AHNi does not charge Candidates a fee for a test or interview
Job Category | Fixed Term |
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting a broad range of global health interventions, education and economic initiatives in Nigeria. AHNi is an allied organization to Family Health International (FHI 360) with co-existing and mutually supportive interest in advancing the collective goals of the people and communities served. AHNi currently has its headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.
To strengthen our operations and interventions in the country, we are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST: The Communications Specialist will support the ‘Accelerating Control of the HIV Epidemic in Nigeria project (ACE – 1) project by managing all internal and external communications of the project and representing the project to external audiences. H/She should possess exceptional public speaking and writing skills. H/She is expected to be a strategic thinker with meticulous attention to detail, working well under pressure, and meeting deadlines. H/She should be able to write, compile publications, plan events and prepare advocacy briefs. H/She will be responsible for developing quality and visually appealing presentations, content management for AHNi website and Social Media channels, communication materials through graphic design and web optimization solutions. The successful candidate must possess excellent organizational skills and ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Minimum Recruitment Standard:
Method of application: Interested and Qualified candidates should forward a suitability statement (application) and resume (CV) as a single MS Word document to:
Vacancy closes: Wednesday January 31, 2024
Only applications sent electronically (i.e., by e-mail) with the job title and location clearly indicated as the subject of the mail will be considered and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
AHNi is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Disclaimer: AHNi does not charge Candidates a fee for a test or interview
Job Category | Fixed Term |
Grade Level: Consultancy
Location: Anambra
Duration: 9 months with possibility of extension (based on performance)
No of Consultants: 1
Commencement Date: 22nd January 2024
Supervisor: Clinical Specialist - OSS
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a non-profit organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting global health and economic initiatives in Nigeria. It was established as indigenous organizational, registered in 2009 with its headquarter in Abuja, and presence in the four geopolitical regions of Nigeria. It aims to provide technical assistance to the government and people of Nigeria in the implementation of public health and development programs.
The Global Fund Grant Cycle (GC7) is to ensure a coordinated and intensive effort to scale up the prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV in both general and key populations in Anambra state. The focus will be on facility and community-based approaches to reach epidemic control, and in addition, ensure improvement in the coverage of pregnant women on ART as well as target KP and AGYW programs.
Hence, the consultant will support the implementation of the GC7 grant at the one-stop shop.
Key roles:
The services of the consultant will include but not limited to the following:
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send their detailed Resume and a one-page Cover Letter as one (1) MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to the “Pharmacy Unit” via: using their Full Name, the Job Title and Location as the subject of the mail. (e.g., “OKEY MUSA ADEOYE, Logistics Technician - Lagos”).
Deadline for submission of application is 16th January 2024.
Job Category | Consultant |
Grade Level: Consultancy
Location: Anambra
Duration: 9 months with possibility of extension (based on performance)
No of Consultants: 1
Commencement Date: 22nd January 2024
Supervisor: Clinical Specialist - OSS
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a non-profit organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting global health and economic initiatives in Nigeria. It was established as indigenous organizational, registered in 2009 with its headquarter in Abuja, and presence in the four geopolitical regions of Nigeria. It aims to provide technical assistance to the government and people of Nigeria in the implementation of public health and development programs.
The Global Fund Grant Cycle (GC7) is to ensure a coordinated and intensive effort to scale up the prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV in both general and key populations in Anambra state. The focus will be on facility and community-based approaches to reach epidemic control, and in addition, ensure improvement in the coverage of pregnant women on ART as well as target KP and AGYW programs.
Hence, the consultant will support the implementation of the GC7 grant at the one-stop shop.
Key roles:
The services of the consultant will include but not limited to the following:
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send their detailed Resume and a one-page Cover Letter as one (1) MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to the “PCT Unit” via: using their Full Name, the Job Title and Location as the subject of the mail. (e.g., “OKEY MUSA ADEOYE, Logistics Technician - Lagos”).
Deadline for submission of application is 16th January 2024.
Job Category | Consultant |
Grade Level: Consultancy
Location: Anambra
Duration: 9 months with possibility of extension (based on performance)
No of Consultants: 1
Commencement Date: 22nd January 2024
Supervisor: Clinical Specialist - OSS
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a non-profit organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting global health and economic initiatives in Nigeria. It was established as indigenous organizational, registered in 2009 with its headquarter in Abuja, and presence in the four geopolitical regions of Nigeria. It aims to provide technical assistance to the government and people of Nigeria in the implementation of public health and development programs.
The Global Fund Grant Cycle (GC7) is to ensure a coordinated and intensive effort to scale up the prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV in both general and key populations in Anambra state. The focus will be on facility and community-based approaches to reach epidemic control, and in addition, ensure improvement in the coverage of pregnant women on ART as well as target KP and AGYW programs.
Hence, the consultant will support the implementation of the GC7 grant at the one-stop shop.
Key roles:
The services of the consultant will include but not limited to the following:
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send their detailed Resume and a one-page Cover Letter as one (1) MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to the “PCT Unit” via: using their Full Name, the Job Title and Location as the subject of the mail. (e.g., “OKEY MUSA ADEOYE, Logistics Technician - Lagos”).
Deadline for submission of application is 16th January 2024.
Job Category | Consultant |
Grade Level: Consultancy
Location: Anambra
Duration: 9 months with possibility of extension (based on performance)
No of Consultants: 1
Commencement Date: 22nd January 2024
Supervisor: Clinical Specialist - OSS
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a non-profit organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting global health and economic initiatives in Nigeria. It was established as indigenous organizational, registered in 2009 with its headquarter in Abuja, and presence in the four geopolitical regions of Nigeria. It aims to provide technical assistance to the government and people of Nigeria in the implementation of public health and development programs.
The Global Fund Grant Cycle (GC7) is to ensure a coordinated and intensive effort to scale up the prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV in both general and key populations in Anambra state. The focus will be on facility and community-based approaches to reach epidemic control, and in addition, ensure improvement in the coverage of pregnant women on ART as well as target KP and AGYW programs.
Hence, the consultant will support the implementation of the GC7 grant at the one-stop shop.
Key roles:
The services of the consultant will include but not limited to the following:
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send their detailed Resume and a one-page Cover Letter as one (1) MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to the “Lab Unit” via: using their Full Name, the Job Title and Location as the subject of the mail. (e.g., “OKEY MUSA ADEOYE, Logistics Technician - Lagos”).
Deadline for submission of application is 16th January 2024.
Job Category | Consultant |
Grade Level: Consultancy
Location: Anambra
Duration: 9 months with possibility of extension (based on performance)
No of Consultants: 1
Commencement Date: 22nd January 2024
Supervisor: Senior Technical Officer – Key Populations
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a non-profit organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting global health and economic initiatives in Nigeria. It was established as indigenous organizational, registered in 2009 with its headquarter in Abuja, and presence in the four geopolitical regions of Nigeria. It aims to provide technical assistance to the government and people of Nigeria in the implementation of public health and development programs.
The Global Fund Grant Cycle (GC7) is to ensure a coordinated and intensive effort to scale up the prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV in both general and key populations in Anambra state. The focus will be on facility and community-based approaches to reach epidemic control, and in addition, ensure improvement in the coverage of pregnant women on ART as well as target KP and AGYW programs.
Hence, the consultant will support the implementation of the GC7 grant at the one stop shop.
Key roles:
The services of the consultant will include but not limited to the following:
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send their detailed Resume and a one-page Cover Letter as one (1) MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to the “PCT Unit” via: using their Full Name, the Job Title and Location as the subject of the mail. (e.g., “OKEY MUSA ADEOYE, Logistics Technician - Lagos”).
Deadline for submission of application is 16th January 2024.
Job Category | Consultant |
Grade Level: Consultancy
Location: Anambra
Duration: 9 months with possibility of extension (based on performance)
No of Consultants: 1
Commencement Date: 22nd January 2024
Supervisor: Clinical Specialist - OSS
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a non-profit organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting global health and economic initiatives in Nigeria. It was established as indigenous organizational, registered in 2009 with its headquarter in Abuja, and presence in the four geopolitical regions of Nigeria. It aims to provide technical assistance to the government and people of Nigeria in the implementation of public health and development programs.
The Global Fund Grant Cycle (GC7) is to ensure a coordinated and intensive effort to scale up the prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV in both general and key populations in Anambra state. The focus will be on facility and community-based approaches to reach epidemic control, and in addition, ensure improvement in the coverage of pregnant women on ART as well as target KP and AGYW programs.
Hence, the consultant will support the implementation of the GC7 grant at the one stop shop.
Key roles:
The services of the consultant will include but not limited to the following:
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send their detailed Resume and a one-page Cover Letter as one (1) MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to the “PCT Unit” via: using their Full Name, the Job Title and Location as the subject of the mail. (e.g., “OKEY MUSA ADEOYE, Logistics Technician - Lagos”).
Deadline for submission of application is 16th January 2024.
Job Category | Consultant |
Grade Level: Consultancy
Location: Anambra
Duration: 9 months with possibility of extension (based on performance)
No of Consultants: 1
Commencement Date: 22nd January 2024
Supervisor: Clinical Specialist - OSS
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a non-profit organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting global health and economic initiatives in Nigeria. It was established as indigenous organizational, registered in 2009 with its headquarter in Abuja, and presence in the four geopolitical regions of Nigeria. It aims to provide technical assistance to the government and people of Nigeria in the implementation of public health and development programs.
The Global Fund Grant Cycle (GC7) is to ensure a coordinated and intensive effort to scale up the prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV in both general and key populations in Anambra state. The focus will be on facility and community-based approaches to reach epidemic control, and in addition, ensure improvement in the coverage of pregnant women on ART as well as target KP and AGYW programs.
Hence, the consultant will support the implementation of the GC7 grant at the one stop shop.
Key roles:
The services of the consultant will include but not limited to the following:
Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send their detailed Resume and a one-page Cover Letter as one (1) MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to the “PCT Unit” via: using their Full Name, the Job Title and Location as the subject of the mail. (e.g., “OKEY MUSA ADEOYE, Logistics Technician - Lagos”).
Deadline for submission of application is 16th January 2024.
Job Category | Consultant |